Report on the Work of the Government of Hebei Province in 2019 - Part I

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Report on the Work of the Government of Hebei Province in 2019 - Part I

Release date:2019-08-19 : Click:


Now, on behalf of the Hebei Provincial People's Government, I would like to present a report on the work of the government to the General Assembly. Please consider it and invite the members of the CPPCC and the participants to submit their views.

I. Review of Work in 2018

The past year marks the beginning of the implementation of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party. Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we firmly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on Hebei's "four speeds up", "six solid" and "three solid". We also implement the decision-making arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council. Under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, we adhere to the general tone of steady and progressive work. Practicing the new development concept, grasping the requirements of high-quality development, deepening the structural reform of the supply side, and in accordance with the working ideas of "3689", earnestly working hard and striving for progress, new achievements have been made in economic and social development, and the annual goals and tasks set at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress of the Province have been better fulfilled.

—— Economic development has made steady progress. It is estimated that the GDP of the whole province will increase by about 6.6%, the investment in fixed assets will increase by about 6%, the total retail sales of social consumer goods will increase by more than 9%, and the consumer price of residents will rise by 2.4%. The added value of industries above scale increased by about 5%. Local general public budget revenue increased by 8.7%, industrial profits above scale increased by about 15%, and the quality and efficiency improved continuously.

—— The industrial structure tends to be more optimized. The three industrial structures were adjusted from 9.2:46.6:44.2 to 9:45:46, and the contribution rate of service industry to economic growth reached more than 60%. It is estimated that the investment in high-tech industries will increase by about 28%, the added value of strategic emerging industries will increase by about 10%, and the transformation of new and old kinetic energy will take on a new look.

—— The ecological environment has improved markedly. The energy consumption per unit GDP has decreased by about 4%. The emission of chemical oxygen demand, sulfur dioxide, ammonia nitrogen and nitrogen oxides has fulfilled the target tasks set by the state. The proportion of surface water reaching or surpassing the three types of water quality sections in the province increased by 6.3 percentage points, and the forest coverage rate reached 34%. The average concentration of PM2.5 in the whole province decreased by 14%, and the blue sky and white clouds became more and more.

—— The people's living standards have continued to improve. Twenty popular support projects have been completed. 648,000 poor people have steadily lifted themselves out of poverty. There are 870,000 new jobs in cities and towns, and the registered unemployment rate is 3.3%. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents is expected to increase by about 7.5% and 8.5% respectively, which are higher than the economic growth rate.

Over the past year, facing the complicated domestic and international situation and the arduous task of eliminating production capacity, adjusting structure and controlling pollution, we have been concentrating and actively responding to various difficulties and challenges, striving to promote innovative development, green development and high-quality development, and taking a solid step towards the goal of building a well-off society.

(1) The "three major events" have been steadily and effectively promoted. We should persist in taking the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the planning and construction of Xiongan New Area and the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games as major political tasks, and take on a high degree of political consciousness and a strong mission to promote the landing of the province. We will further promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Signing and implementing a new round of strategic cooperation agreements with Beijing and Tianjin. Actively serving the construction of Beijing City Vice-Center, Langfang North Three Counties and Tongzhou District unified planning, unified policy, unified standards, unified management and control. Eighty-four annual tasks of coordinated development have been basically completed. New progress has been made in the fields of transportation, industry and ecological environment protection. Regional comprehensive transportation network has been increasingly improved. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on track has brought more convenience. The total mileage of expressways and railways in the province ranks second in the country. Taihang Mountain Expressway runs north-south and Beijing Daxing International The main project of the airport has been basically completed. The joint prevention and control of air pollution has achieved remarkable results. Caofeidian Co-development Demonstration Zone and other undertaking platforms have been steadily promoted, and a number of projects such as Beijing Biomedical Industrial Park in Bohai New Area have been accelerated. The mutual recognition and exchange of science and technology innovation vouchers have been realized, and the ability of collaborative innovation has been enhanced. High starting point planning and high standard construction of Xiongan New Area. Last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired many meetings to study the planning and construction of Xiongan New Area and made important instructions, which pointed out the direction for us and provided fundamental follow-up. The planning system of Xiongan New Area has been basically formed by organizing domestic and foreign expert teams, developing various kinds of planning with high intensity and high density. The Party Central Committee and the State Council approved and agreed to the outline of the plan, the general plan, the Baiyangdian ecological environment control and protection plan, and issued and implemented the Guiding Opinions on Supporting the Deepening Reform and Expanding Opening of the Xiongan New Area. Central ministries and brotherly provinces and municipalities give strong support to Xiongan New District.  Successfully hosted the global promotion of Xiongan New Area. Important projects such as Jingxiong Intercity Railway, Baiyangdian Eco-environmental Control and Afforestation have been launched and implemented. Make every effort to organize the Winter Olympic Games. According to the goal of "excellence and excellence", 10 special plans and 7 zoning plans of Zhangjiakou District were completed with high quality, and 65 Winter Olympic projects were started in 76. To formulate and implement the ice and snow industry development plan, a number of ice and snow sports and equipment enterprises were introduced from the United States, France, Finland and other countries. Twenty enterprises signed contracts and 15 settled in. More and more people participated in the ice and snow sports. The implementation of the "three major events" has strongly promoted the formation of the new wings of Beijing and Hebei.

(2) New steps have been taken in the structural reform of the supply side. Adhere to improving the quality of supply as the main direction of attack, resolutely go, actively adjust and speed up the transformation, break through the combination of establishment and growth and decline simultaneously, issue a series of three-year action plans, such as industrial transformation and upgrading, strategic emerging industry development and structural reform of agricultural supply side, and define the points, paths and measures of transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. 。 Steady production capacity. Overfulfilling the annual capacity removal tasks of the six major industries, reducing and withdrawing 12.3 million tons of steel-making capacity, 14.01 million tons of coal and 3.13 million tons of cement

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